Leaders in LCA and Sustainability Assessment

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Open source and free software. Powerful, flexible, intuitive and transparent. World's most widely used LCA software.

Open Source

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A Family of Software

openLCA is versatile and able to meet needs of different user groups.


Sagittis luctus mollis est aptent nullam, ligula sit. Maximus mattis mi laoreet taciti at egestas. Hendrerit odio et consequat elementum adipiscing maximus. Efficitur tortor nibh egestas duis enim fringilla, class metus lacinia. Sit ullamcorper netus magnis lorem egestas risus. Class ut elit nam placerat aptent. Nullam nascetur scelerisque fermentum elit, volutpat lobortis felis hendrerit rutrum.

onlineLCA: for upscaling and automation

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LCA Collaboration Server: team work and data management

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A Powerful Tool For Everyone

All products, all standards, widest choice of data and methods.


With low total cost of ownership, easy installation and use, features for professional modeling and for collaboration in team, the largest set of data available for LCA, and not the least full transparency, openLCA is a good choice for use in industry. openLCA is also suited as basis for customised software solution, for powerful and intuitive web- or desktop applications.


As for industry, low total cost of ownership, easy installation and use, features for professional modeling and for collaboration in team, and the largest set of data available for LCA make openLCA a good choice for LCA and footprint in consultancy. Since the software is free, it is very easy to share your life cycle model with clients, or for review and quality assurance


openLCA provides features and possibilities not available in other LCA software and can be extended to meet and include specific new approaches. At the same time, openLCA is a user-friendly software, with an intuitive interface that is well suited for research.


openLCA is used in many university classes worldwide, also linked to research. Easy installation, affordable or free faculty licences offered by many databases, and rich modeling options are reasons to select openLCA for student work and teaching classes.



Tel +49 30 4849 6030

GreenDelta GmbH
Alt Moabit 130, 10557 Berlin Germany