
Our Services

openLCA is and will remain a free, open source software. It can be used completely free of charge. Free support is available in the “Learning & Support” section on this website. Due to high demand, GreenDelta, the creator of openLCA, offers optional service contracts via a professional help desk.

Service Types

All products, all standards, widest choice of data and methods.

Service Contracts

If you need a one-off support, you can directly book an hour of support or tickets where you will be paired with one of our LCA consultants or developers. Prices and bookings go through openLCA Nexus.

We also offer Service Level Agreements with a support package containing a series of support hours and tickets to your company, where you will be helped and guided by the same LCA expert throughout.

Guided Case Studies

Both openLCA and Life Cycle Assessment case studies are learned best in a practical application. Therefore we offer guided case studies, especially for those new to openLCA and to Life Cycle Assessment. A guided case study will be performed mainly by you, but at important milestones, from software installation to definition of goal and scope to inventory modeling to interpretation, we provide feedback and discuss modeling decisions and conclusions and interpretation. Of course, a non-disclosure agreement makes sure that you can share also sensitive information.

Critical Reviews

We perform critical reviews of LCA case studies according to ISO 14040 and 14044. With openLCA you can easily share your complete LCA models with your clients, as well as within the review panel.

Hosting Solutions

openLCA can interact with a ILCD database that serves users as a central repository for exchanging process data sets and also complete product system models. We offer hosting solutions for this database, so that you do not need to care for the technical hosting requirements.

Customised Software

If openLCA (or other LCA software) does not meet your requirements, we are happy to develop customized adaptions and extensions.

Data Management

Data management is one of the big challenges in life cycle analyses. We migrate and convert your data, whether from a singular or a variety of different sources, into one coherent database, we fill in data gaps, and assess and ensure quality of the datasets.


Tel +49 30 4849 6030

GreenDelta GmbH
Alt Moabit 130, 10557 Berlin Germany